Tuesday 5 June 2012

hi guys, the long awaited apple and cinnamon muffins pictures are here. =D it includes a step by step on what to do as well as the recipe =) Hope you guys enjoy
 ingredients i used.. you can use any other kind if you have =D
 all the dry ingredient together in a bowl
 mix all the wet ingredients together until combined
 then pour the dry ingredients to the wet till its combined =D as shown in the picture
 apples slided and ready to mix. -> you can slide before hand but remember to put it in the salt water and rince it off later to prevent browning.
 completed batter
 line muffin trays with muffin cups.
 preheat the oven to 175 <-- as set in the recipe but to prevent it from cracking at the top, change it to 160 instead.
 all ready to go into the oven.

 muffin batter as a cake. if we cant use cake mix to make cupcakes and muffins, why can't we use muffin batter to make cakes =)

ingredients for the cream cheese frosting: 
2 cups of icing sugar or powdered sugar which ever <--- even though the recipe calls for 2 cups i would suggest 1 cup because its sweet enough.  i made 2 batches and i use 2 cups only and its just nice =D
1/2 cup butter which is 113 g
2 sticks of cream cheese 8 ounces which is 225g 
1 tsp of vanilla extract
after mixing all the ingredients together and thus you get this creamy texture =D
 put it in a pipping bag and your ready to pipe.
 muffins are ready. poke a toothpick in the center and if it comes out clean then it is ready. if you want it more brown den leave it in longer.
 half a cake =p as it broke in half
 mini cups =D
 after ur muffins are cooled completely, you are ready to pipe in ur frosting or use a knife to spread it. I like piping as it comes out pretty.

 my attempts at decorating a cake but it is not that good. the other half was a disaster so i did not take a picture.

long await recipe..credits to page one book series of 500 muffins and cupcakes.

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