Sunday 29 April 2012

Cheesecake Brownie

okay first post, on baking first attempt at baking cheesecake brownies.. as you can see the shape needs work..but overall its a success. have been wanting to make dis ever since i saw it though of course i can't remember where i saw it but here it is. i would post the recipe below. but i give credits to the the australian women's weekly for putting it in a recipe book.

impromptu design

okay first post of the day.... =0 did this a few days ago... it was a really impromptu design as it wasn't suppose to be like that. it was suppose to be a one stroke two petal design.. and it did not really turn out that nice so i just filled the space and have white outlines with black spiral and a blue jewel in the middle... =) i need to master my one stroke designs =) wish me luck..


Hie all, I am restarting my blogspot again.. dis time with a new name and design. solely on cooking recipes and nail designs. my friends encouraged me to start one up so.. here it is.. I am just starting so bare with me.. as it might not be to your liking =D