Tuesday 29 May 2012

Rainbow Vanilla ButterCream Frosting Sucess

Being a some what perfectionist....I re-did the icing dis time with buttercream and it was a success... =D here are some of the pictures. 
 The picture above is white because you need to squeeze a bit of the frosting out first to allow the colour to run. =D and the pictures below are all the designs. hope you guys enjoy. revisit my previous post to see the instructions on how to do the rainbow icing. as for the buttercream frosting recipe *Vanilla Buttercream Frosting* <-- click the link. gave me some great tips about frosting and icing.

 i like this design the best though its going to be really sweet

 an early father's day gift for my dad.. hope he likes it...

Sunday 27 May 2012

Obsession of rainbow cupcakes continue with rainbow icing plus cookies =D

Hie all, so yesterday, me and a few girlfriends of mine, baked cookies and our 3rd attempt at rainbow cupcakes..that is not all though as we also tried making rainbow icing =D the colours turn out pretty good but the icing was not stiff enough.. =D
As you can see we were pretty obsessed with rainbow cupcakes and making it perfect though the finished product did not erupt like a volcano, the inside was not as pretty as the before one.

the finished rainbow cupcake above picture.
The many cookie cutters, we used for the cookies =D *cookie recipe* click the link to know the recipe.

 We had extra batter for the cupcakes so we did mini rainbow cupcakes =D
 They turned out pretty awesome.

 The Gel food colouring for my rainbow icing =D

 My icing =D
 Finished cookies
 the colours of the rainbow icing were first painted on the disposable piping bag * rainbow icing tutorial* I followed this tutorial's instructions *click the link to find out*
 and the above rainbow icing is what i got, though the icing wasn't perfectly done as it did not stay in shape =D
 this black rose decorated by my friend =D was made using pre-made icing from the tube with wilton's piping tips.
 cookies in the oven.
 finished decorated cupcake =D
 friend decorating her cupcake =D

at the end of the day... we made a mess but we cleaned it up =D